♥ Wednesday, May 14, 2008
wisdom tooth won't make you wiser.
I lost a bet to Amanda the bitch.
Oh well..I have to fork 10 bucks out to give her a treat @ Starbucks.
"Bitch lor you Amanda..like that free free got starbucks to drink. cheh!"
It was a beautiful Tuesday morning. I made an effort to wake up early and gave Shakira a wake up call so that we can go for our Pilates class together. She daym fail cause she only woke up after I called her the second time.
"oh my god larh! I almost died in there trying to maintain muke macho with all those poses okay!" I complained after Pilates.
Continued working out a tad in the gym until boyfriend came to pick me up about two and it wasn't too long before I started complaining again."Eh! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? You know or not I spent 3 and a half hours in gym working out?!!! I've never in my entire life spent so much time in gym before okay!!"
And he just gave me a cock stare. -.-
After fetching me up we headed to the dentist@ Sungai way (we had a hard time finding the place because it was located at the most ulu-est place in PJ) because boyfriend had some gum infection causing his wisdom tooth unable to fully grow.
Yes. I tried to pose in the car.
I tried to ajak him to pose with me too but he ignored me and continued complaining. -.-"
Daym mafan lor! He was complaining so much about how hard it was to close his mouth and how difficult was it to chew his food and how hungry he was and how painful it was to talk properly.
" Eh your mouth pain also can talk and complain
so much wan ah?!"
*Ignores me and continues complaining*
" Eh! you sound like daffy duck!"

Long story short. He has to go through some kind of surgery this Friday. Poor baby. Hope he gets well soon.