I was so blardy wrong.*bah*
"Jie, come and see the baby's picture.""eeeekkk... so cute!!! Like monk only leh!!"
"Next time I dowan to give birth to a son!!! I don't care lor, if come out son I sure throw into the longkang until I give birth to a girl lor!!!"I told boyfriend that robots and cars are super duper stupid toys because all you do is push it around and move parts of the robot's body. He gave me a cock stare and stared preaching how valuable all the toys are..
" Mintak IC dan lesen memandu encik."
"Apa kesalahan saye?"
" Had laju kat sini ialah 80km/j tapi encik bawak 93km/j. Sudah lebih 13 km/j."
" Tak.. saye sumpah. I tak buat salah pon!"
"Encik bawak lebih 13! Kena saman 300 ringgit tau!"
"Ape kesalahan saye? Saye tak buat pun!!'
I've finally received my A-Levels results.Nothing to be proud of . *seriously* Results were just plain suck-cock horrible!!! Maybe if they had a Sucking Cock course, I might just excel in it. Tsk. Don't want to talk about it lah. Daym saddening lor.
Boyfriend was nice enough to fetch me from college on Monday to do shopping for my new shoes for work. We walked around the whole Sunway Pyramids just to search for a pair of fucking black heels. I just didn't know it was farking hard to find a pair of black heels lor!! My legs almost broke into a million pieces due to too much walking.Finally found a pair from NOSE but they ran out of stock so we went over to get it from the One Utama branch..
He stayed over that night and we cooked spaghetti for supper at 3a.m. and ended up having stomach ache the next morning. Swt. =.="
I started work yesterday at Bangsar Village. The doink doink boyfriend wanted to watch the Singaporean movie-Ah Long Ptd. Ltd. before my work starts and almost made me late for work!!! I like my job so far larrrr.. Boyfriend was so sweet to stay there and wait for me from the minute I started work until the last minute my work ended. =)
*muacks dear!*
All because the supervisor wasn't around so he was allowed to hang out with me while I work.* kekeke =) kekeke.* After work, Boyfriend and I went for our late dinner and then he put up a night at my place.
Since he was being so nice. I shall post a picture of him acting as a cute la-la mui.
This picture somehow reminds me of those ham-sap Japanese Soldier who ruled Malaya.keke.-.-Boyfriend was telling me what happened via MSN when he asked for extra allowance from his daddy just now...
' I ask him for 600 bux, then he bising.'
' LOL'
' You know what he gave me?'
' What?'
' A tight slap on the back of my head until my knowlegde all came out.'
'......so now you become stupid adi la?'
' NO! Still smart. Because I have THAT much of knowledge in
Super perasan can die dot com. I don't know where he get all his lame jokes. Maybe I should get him a bottle stopper for his birthady present so that he can stuff them in his ears. Then his knowledge won't flow out even when his dad smacks his head!
I better go get studying for my criminal law mocks tomorrow and stop talking cock!
Love, tata~
Yerrrr... I don't dare. Scaredddddd..'soooooo.. I had to force myself to drive to Bangsar! goshhh.. you should seen how much he complained about my driving. This not right, that not right.He kept telling me how scary my driving is!!! Hmmmpphhhh!!!
He kept shouting at me...#*!!??!!$#
'Brake! Brake! Brake! Press the brake la!!!'
'Change gear la!! Change now!'
'Balance your clutch la!'
'Dear.. can you please help me to fill up the petrol?'
'NO! Fill yourself.'
'Harrrr.. But I don't know how.'
'Learn la!'
What if the petrol spill all over me if I do it wrongly?
What if I do it wrongly and blow up the whole petrol kiosk?
Then I go blind.
Then it will burn my face.
Then no one will marry me!!!!!
I KENA CON!!! *@#*!!!!?*@!!!