"Celebrated cardiologist killed in mishap--Datuk Dr Nik
Zainal Abidin Abdul Rahman who set up the first fully equipped cardiac
catheterisation laboratory."
Uncle Nik and his family.
jeng jeng jeng....*drum rolls*
something caught my eyes. The headline.
Singaporeans blur on sex.
Wahliao weh. So kiasu but their stupidity is beyond god light man!
Its urology senior consultant Dr Lin Fa Cai said he once treated a woman who was married for 10 years and supposedly had sex more than 1,000 times, but was still a virgin. Dr Lin said the husband, who had a doctorate degree, and his wife, who complained of being unable to conceive, sought help at the hospital.
“The couple told me they had sex about three times a week but when I examined
the wife, her hymen was still intact.
“He had a doctorate degree
but zero knowledge on sex,” he said.
okayyyyyyy..So there are two possibilities.. It is either the dude has a dick which is too tinnie winny mini-fying mirco short to even reach the hymen or..this dude here been fucking the god damn asshole for a zillion times for the past 10 years and still didn't know it was wrong?
awwww.. poor kid. a bit the sad case lorh hor?? And the best part is... HE OWNS A DOCTORATE DEGREE!!
Seee.. study so hard also no use. Become doctor also useless.. So much for being so kiasu..
Moral of the story:
A doctorate degree doesn't teach you how to have sex and it doesn't mean you are smart. Go watch more porn. might help. =p
P/s/s/s/s : To all Malaysian dudes out there. Don't worry. Mishaps like this only happens to Singaporeans. It is scientifically proven there is nothing to worry about. And all Malaysian girls can start smiling again. =p
in Iskandar's car.
" All these while I call you over to my place you never want to come.. Suddenly today we gonna open bottle tonight only you come.."
The next morning I woke up feeling a bit heavy headed. Went Taman Tun for breakie with the BF. Then we headed to The Curve then Ikano then IKEA then One Utama. I had a tiring day ok.. Reached home at night after chilling a bit at Anusha's place.
'oit. you dunno how to come back izzit? Forgot where is your house adi?
'no la no la.. where gotttt..'
that is what daddy said to me the moment I stepped home. =p. my bad.
Gotta go get ready now! Heading to Damansara for YK's birthday bash tonight! Gotta pray hard for nice song to layan.. nice alco and great time! tata.
muacksss ..
" seee.. that is where you stand in his heart. You are not important."I lied as I tried to hide my trembling voice.
" uhuh."
*Hakim turns and look at me*
"OMG michelle. are you crying?"
"Must be my contact lens. I'm perfectly alright."