" oh shit! My water bag burst I think I'm going to give birth now!!"
' Push? how to push?'-.-
'JUST PUSH LA!' she shouted at me.
'Just shut up and PUSH bitch.'I told myself.
'hurmmss.. I'll just drop by the hospital again some other time and go for
an operation to take the dead baby out lar.'
' It is about two lovers or something like that.'Someone said.
'oh oh! I know I know!'
'errrkkk.. I think......erkkk..'
Us. Very-not-so chinese people.
Graeme. Fungie. Nikita.
Graeme and Nikita.
June and Jolene
Juney. Mitch. Jojo
Me. Alvin. Jolene
And we found a kelip kelip too that night! It was so pretty!!! Too bad it flew away the moment Alvin try to catch it. All Alvin's fault! He got face problem. =p
' sheesshh..What the hell he wants now?'I mumbled to myself as I pressed the 'silent' button, ignored the call and went back to sleep.
Me: ummm.. what you want?ewah ewahh.. banyak lawa muke.. can call me 3a.m knowing that I'm asleep and shouted at me because it took me too long to pick up?
Ex: Why so slow only pick uo the phone?!! Why don't you pick up next
year?!!!!! USELESS!!
Me: ............................ o.O
Me:So you called me at this hour just to tell me how USELESS I
am? To question me why I haven't been calling you for the past
few days? and if I still love you? To tell me you are going out with someone else..AND WORST OF ALL WANTING ME TO DO
Ex: erk.. noooo...
Me:Then what you want?!!! O.o
" I'm assuring my vote for Sahil and make sure you do so. Vote for
urmmmm.. daddyyyyy....
What? *gave a cock stare*
urm.. was just wondering if.. I can get my nose pierced?
Pierce nose only what.. whats so Indian about that? And it is nice!
Where got nice? I've noticed something about you.. you like piercing. You
pierce everywhere!
Where gooootttttt???
Look at your ear and navel!
But piercings makes me happy.. =(
' You pierce and see la.. No more allowance for you.'harrrr??? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
The one and only picture of me. In the middle with two hot chick! =p
The end. The outing was like a bunch of high skul kids going on a field trip! serious weh... plus we were so bored that we explored Toy'r'us.. so kid-ish! -.-" I think we all had a sad childhood.. lol..
And oh oh! Sorry Pohyei.. didn't take a picture of you coz you came late and I totally forgot about it! Sorry.. =( next time kay!
*muakcs muacks. lovinggs*
It was after college and I ran to the wash room because I was having a terrible cough. Oh you know.. those nonstop cough where you keep coughing and coughing yet struggling to breath until your eyes get all watery and teary.
I coughed so hard that I almost vomited. And suddenly my classmate Amanda came running into the toilet screaming..
Michelle, are you in there? Are you ok?
Yea. I'm fine.. Just a terrible cough. I almost vomited.
Harrrr?? How come? Pregnant is it? *worried stare*
Noooooo!!! Just a cough only wut.. choi.. wun get pregnant wan larh!!
walao.. since when cough can get pregnant wan?! *touch wood* hahaha..
and oh oh! My class is full of cute innocent people.. When ever we all get together and talk we'll always end up in a sex topic. and I mean EVERY TIME. And surprisingly they can come up with fantastic ideas.
S: Oh you know, when you have sex.. the guy is suppose to break the wall right?
Me: Oh.. you mean hymen izzit? =.="
S: ah.. yaya.. wall oso larh.. and the girl will bleed.
Z: eiyerrrrr.. how much blood?
V: Like two full bottles of chillie sauce!!
Z: Serious??!! so muchh.. harrr.. I'm so scared..
Me: Wtf.. where go so much blood wan?!!! You'll die of lack of blood ok! Don't know dont simply say.
Z: Eiyyeeerrr.. then it would be very messy right?
S: yeap.. you have to change the bed sheets and all..
Z: So troublesome..
I: Eh.. Can we do it on the floor?
Me: Huh? why?
I: Less troublesome.. no need to change bed sheet.. can just wipe off.. more convenient..
"eh eh.. see see.. the picture we took can see my double chin onot?"line.. can't help it but I swear that was superb gay man!!
'O M G. Choo clubbing?!!!'
' What the hell are you doing?!'.With my muke pissed I walked over to where Choo was stonning and the first thing he said was.
' Nice making out.'