"understand, people?"
"oh my darling friday, what took you so long? Take me away from coldokie. Pathetic la me.
misery. Save me from the eternal burning hell. Take away my burden and give me
more cash to go shopping."
As a matter of fact, I'm barely 18 and still counting ."I don't know why everyone around me is getting married
and having kids."
"mommie, I want that doll!! I don't care!! "*crys and throws a bitch fit*
" Juney, you better stop talking so much once you get in the house."
" So you are earning big money now right?"
"urh.. not really wat.. not enough la.."
" U better pay me back the money I paid for your
driving license."
"what!!??.. but.. but..."
"Yea.. and you can GIVE US A TREAT TONIGHT. So I don't have to cook dinner."
*falls dead on ground* " WHAT!!!!!???" o.O
"OH MY FUCKING GAWD!!! OMG OMG OMG!! I'm so fucking dead! I'm supposed to be at the fucking LRT station fucking NOW!!!"
A million apology to Jolene, Juney and Jin Ho for
making you guys waited for decades. My bad. I shall never forgive myself and slap myself senseless now.