"eh, are you like mixed or something?"
"huh? urhhh..."
"yea! are you like mixed indian or chinese or malay or what so ever?"
*stares blankly o.O * "Nope.. pure chinese."
"But you don't really look chinese. You look mixed. I thought you were malay at first."
" urh.. yea.. maybe.. cause both my parents aren't really pure Chinese. Got mixed of blood somewhere la."
"You can speak Chinese?"And they kept emphasizing on me not looking like a person who can speak Chinese. WHAT DA HOLLY FUG?! What was that suppose to mean!?
" As in Mandarin, canto, Hokkien?"
"urh..Yea. why not?"
"Of coz! She is a mandarin teacher man.."
" You can even write mandarin!!??!!." * stares in disbelief*
"urh.. yea.." * raises an eyebrow*
" Okay, you don't look like you can speak mandarin, let alone writing Chinese."
"Daddy, I like the bag, buy for me please?!"BUGGER.I was so desparate that I actually gave daddy a deal just to get that bag.
*gave me a cold hard stare* "NO."
" But why? I like it alot! And it is on SALE ,daddy!!"
" You have more than enough of bags at home."
" NO I DON'T!!! Please please please please.."
" No money la."
" Use credit card la."
" Don't want to." *walks off*
"Okay la okay la.. I'll pay half of it. 50/50 ok?"It is a great deal isn't it?!!
"I have no idea why, but I am always late! At least half anThousand apology to dear Justin and Joanne for keeping you guys waiting for ages!! I think they waited so long, long enough to get married, built a house near the LRT station and give birth to 10 kids.. =.="
hour. So next time if I say I'll be there at a certain time, please do make sure
you guys get there half an hour later so that it will be just in time."
" eh, don't smoke I tell you!"
"eh, when are you gonna quit smoking?"
" Do you know each puff takes away 5 minutes of your life?"
" you want to die early izzit?"
" You look like a pregnant woman trying to sit down..*EVIL LAUGH*"Yea right..*roll eyes*
"it hurts ok."Now that the pain is gone, and it is starting to itchy-bitchy daym freaking badly!
"Teacher! someone pinched me!"
"Teacher! He stole my pencil!"
" Teacher! She is sitting at my place!"
"Teacher! Her stuff just crossed over the boundary of
my table!"
" Teacher! I went to petaling street last
Reminds me of my kindie drawings.. so cute!!!!
ASKAR?! Maybe this dude should think twice before becoming a soldier. NS nearly killed me ok...
Last but not least! A cute 8 year old Indian boy came up to me and gave me a piece of paper. He said he drew the a robot specially for me.. =) awww.. how sweet of him.. It is even cuter to see an indian boy speaking mandrian..And this cute lil chinese girl folded something I-don't-know-what-it-is for me. CUTE! sweet! Kids are so adorable even when they are naughty.
" Does it hurt?"I almost died on the spot when he told they are not going to apply anaesthetic on my poor lil navel. *sobs* OMG. They are so mean. I was freaking inside out, worrying bout the pain I'll be going through but the guy in the shop made it sound like a NO-BIG-DEAL-YOU-COWARD-LIL-GIRL. In order to make myself feel better, I kept telling myself..
"Okay, so can you like apply MORE anaesthetic?"
"We don't apply anything for the peircing."
" YOU WHAT??!!! o.O"
Okay, I know its stupid la.. but hack!" No pain no gain, No pain no gain. Pain is pleasure, pleasure is satisfaction."